Fantage Wild Water Splash Event
During this event, downtown looks like this
So there are limited items for sale as always and on the right there are more limited items. It says buy here on a blue tablecloth with stuff on top of it. Those are Water Splash Costumes. You buy those to play the group game and splash water at each other, we'll get more on that later.
The costumes are for members, except for the orange ones, 2nd from the right, which non members can also buy. This is good, because non members can now participate in the group game! On the right hand side next to the Water Splash Costumes is the information sign. Click it and it will look like this.
First, you can draw a picture of your dad. Well, not exactly draw a picture, create one. In downtown, on the left hand side, there's a sign that says Draw Your Dad and a picture of a dad. Click that and you can choose facial features to look like your father.
Then, click done, and you can print out a picture of your dad. You can choose text and the background, too!
All over Fantage, there are also sad flowers that want watering. So, just put on a water splash costume and water it. To water it, press the little yellow button on the left side under the Mini Quest button. The button is only there if your wearing a Water Splash Costume. Then you click on the thing you want to soak. Before you click, your mouse should be a little red aiming sign, so you know it will work. Watering one flower gets you 1 star.
The flowers become sad again every minute or so, so you can water the same flower over and over again. The soak button also reloads every 5 seconds. These are the locations of flowers:
Oasis has 2
Creature Arena has 1
Pet Town has 2
Wizard Domain has 1
School has 1
There are also statues of clowns and Dr. Finkelstein all over Fantage. There's not much to him. If you shoot a clown with water, a balloon on top of it's head gets larger. If you shoot the clown about 7-10 times, the balloon explodes and you get one star.
There are clowns in:
Mt. Fantage, The Carnival, and The Castle
Dr. Finkelstein is located in Uptown and Downtown. If you shoot him with water, he disappears. Not much to him...
Apparently, a few days into the event, balloons have been popping up in downtown, uptown, and the carnival. If you shoot them, you get special prizes! Basically, you wear the Water Splash Costume that corresponds with the balloon, for example if it is a yellow duck balloon, wear the yellow duck costume!
If your wondering, there's also a basket of stars tied to balloons in the Beach. Your color also must correspond to the balloon color. So shoot the balloon of your color, then you will get stars!
Well, that is all for Fantage Wild Water Splash week, enjoy!
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